Thursday, September 10, 2009

British Museum: Take 2

So I got to go back to the
British Museum on Tuesday with Elliot and Alex and we just focused on a couple of exhibits, the Anglo-Saxon exhibit and the special display of Clocks and Watches.
The Clocks and Watches display was especially interesting to me and I think that a lot of that has come from my Dad. He is always looking online at these ridiculously expensive watches and clocks online, and he goes on and on about intricate they are and how impressive a well made clock is. I usually just roll my eyes but now I have a renewed enthusiasm for clocks and watches. I never realized how cool they are!
The boat in the picture to the left is a machine that was used to announce the banquets in court. The ship has a little organ inside and the little guys move in a procession and there's drumming...and then it moves! All the way across the table! And here's the coolest part, once it travels across the table there was a grand finale and all the cannons actually fired. So awesome right? Yeah. I know.

This next picture on the left is of the first alarm clock! It was in a display with different alarm clocks through the ages, it went from this little bell one to a standard digital alarm clock from 2008. It was pretty awesome, I wish I could have seen it in action. The clock on the right has little organ pipes on the top of it and on the hour I guess it would play a little song on the organ. How's that for an alarm? I can't even imagine all the little intricacies that would have had to go into Dad, I now have a greater respect for clocks and watches. You should be proud :)

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